👋 Hi, I'm Jens-Joris Decorte. Consider me an AI nerd with a passion for delivering value through innovation. In my role as Lead Researcher at TechWolf, I'm part of a team that brings the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and recommendation systems to the field of HR.
🎓 As part of my role at TechWolf I am pursuing a PhD in NLP in collaboration with the Text-to-Knowledge (T2K) research group. Here I'm adviced by Thomas Demeester and Chris Develder.
Accepted to the 3rd Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2023) as part of RecSys 2023
Accepted to the International workshop on AI for Human Resources and Public Employment Services (AI4HR&PES) as part of ECML-PKDD 2023
Accepted to the 2nd Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2022) as part of RecSys 2022
Accepted to the International workshop on Fair, Effective And Sustainable Talent management using data science (FEAST) as part of ECML-PKDD 2021
JUN 6th, 2023 • I was invited at the Flanders AI Forum to talk about TechWolf's approach to LLMs.
APR 17th, 2023 • We published the first call for papers for the 3rd edition of RecSys in HR workshop.
FEB 9th, 2023 • I presented my work at regional AI for HR and Public Employment Services workshop.
NOV 28th, 2022 • One of our interns published a paper on his work at TechWolf about the relation between job titles and skills! 👏
SEP 22nd, 2022 • Presented my work at the RecSys conference in Seattle.
AUG 27th, 2022 • Our work on negative sampling strategies for skill extraction got accepted to the RecSys in HR workshop as part of RecSys 2022.
SEP 17th, 2021 • Presented our JobBERT work at the online FEAST workshop as part of ECML-PKDD.
JUN 30th, 2021 • The birth of JobBERT! Our work on job title representation learning got accepted to the International workshop on Fair, Effective And Sustainable Talent management using data science (FEAST).